The Usage of FiberGel Alginate

Alginate is a handy material commonly used in life casting. A fiber infused formula has been specially prepared to increase the strength and tear resistance of regular alginate that can be used in animation works.

Alginate is considered the be-all and end-all product for life casting. Even though skin-safe silicone rubber is now available, alginates are more popular and commonly used when it comes to making body molds. This dental grade material is safe for the skin even as it captures the surface impressions with a high accuracy of detail.

While alginate comes in different types, a special formulation has been created specifically for high-end detailed E F/X work. Known as FiberGel E F/X grade alginate, it has been independently tested 40% stronger than other leading brands.

The other benefits apart from extra strength and tear resistance, extend to preventing runs and drips making it perfect for applying on vertical surfaces. Moreover, the fiber matrix will retain moisture, thus reducing the shrink rate and allowing for delayed casting time sans any loss of detail. The mold will also stay soft and flexible for a longer time.

Delving into the Basics

The application of fiber alginate is the same as regular formulations. The manufacturer’s instructions related to the mixing proportions and timing have to be followed to the letter. The mixture should be smooth and free of lumps. It has a set time of 5 to 6 minutes when the consistency and thickness is right.

The alginate should be applied with a gentle but firm hand. Press it down slightly to ensure that it reaches every contour and crevice of the body part. This will ensure that the surface details are captured properly in the body mold.

The model has to be prepared properly prior to the application. The skin surface should be clean, dry and free of any creams or other products. A thin layer of release agent – like petroleum jelly – is preferable as it will avoid snagging of the alginate in the fine body hair.

Safety precautions are necessary in the form of ventilation, gloves and even communication signals with the model. It also essential to ensure comfort and support for the model for the time it takes to prepare the body mold. Props can be used as a reinforcement to maintain the desired posture of the model.

Once it has set properly, the alginate body mold can be easily demolded with a little twitching and prodding. It comes off easily and is ready for immediate use, after the requisite cleaning and finishing. In fact, time is in short supply here, even though the FiberGel alginate does push the evaporation window a bit, allowing more time for making the casting. Different materials like plaster, silicone and resin can be cast in alginate molds.

Finally, getting a life cast right comes down to practice along with oodles of patience. The artist has to keep trying and perfecting the art till they master the intricacies of life casting!

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